Please respond to the following questions starting in SECTION I if you are requesting a special configuration of TattleTech.
1) Listing Applications and DAs across multiple volumes can be very time-consuming and possibly result in a very lengthy report. Don't request them unless you're sure you need them. If you are looking for a specific application(s), consider using the Special Files report which searches by type/creator pairs.
2) Unless you absolutely need it, don't have the Applications or DAs reports sorted as this adds considerable time to the process.
3) Try to restrict the volumes which are reported on as much as possible. In particular, try to limit the search to local volumes.
SECTION I : (Everyone should complete this section)
1) Are there any of the standard reports which you do not want included? Please indicate them in SECTION III.
2) If you are including any of the Traps reports, do you wish to use the Tattle.Traps File? If you do not use the Traps file (which associates names with traps), you will only be able to use the "Traps Patched by INITs" report. In the case of Tab-File reporting, none of the Traps reports are available in either case.
3) If the "Traps Patched by INITs" or "INIT Files" reports are included, do you want TattleINIT output to be used? If so, the user must have booted their machine with TattleINIT active.
4) If the Special File report is included:
A) Please list the file Type/Creator pairs for the files which you want reported. Leaving either the Type or Creator blank acts as a wildcard.
B) Do you want the other files which are in the same directory as the specified file also listed?
1) If so, would you also like the names of any folders in that same directory?
5) If the Special System Resources report is included:
A) Please list the Resource Type and the Resource ID in hex. Leaving the Resource ID blank acts as a wildcard.
6) If the Serial Ports report is included, do you want to do the Modem Check by default?
7) Do you want File Integrity Checking reported for all files by default. File Integrity Checking applies to the General Software, Control Panels, Extensions, Fonts, INIT Files, System Files (Other), and Special Files reports.
8) Do you want Error dialogs displayed to the user?
9) Certain fields can be eliminated from reports. This applies primarily to reports which can be very lengthy due to the listing of numerous files. Please check the list of reports and fields in SECTION IV of this document and indicate any fields which you wish to have eliminated in reports which you have indicated as active.
SECTION II: (Everyone should complete either the Screen or Faceless group of questions)
1) If you are using Tattle.Traps, do you want the user to have access to the Traps Database menu items?
2) Do you want the user to be able to access the Definitions button for each report?
3) Do you want the General Help… menu item available to the user?
4) If the Volumes report is active, do you want the user to have access to the Mount button?
5) If the Open Files report is active, do you want the user to have access to the Close button?
6) If the Files/Folders… report is active, do you want the user to have access to the Attributes button?
7) If the Nubus/PDS report is active, do you want the user to have access to the Slots checkbox?
1) Choose one of the following report outputs:
A) Printed
1) Should the Print Dialog be presented to the user?
B) TEXT file. Same format as Screen and Printed report but spooled to TEXT file
C) Bug TEXT file. Same as B, but includes User Info and Bug info which user is prompted for
D) Tab-delimited TEXT file.
1) Should a line including the Field Names also be included? (Make sure to run some tests before specifying this)
2) Should the field data include data interpretations? Data interpretations appear in parentheses after the normal field data.
3) Should TT use the User's name (name entered by user for networking purposes)?
a) If not, state the name of the file containing a serialized code that will reside in the same location.
b) If not, state the length of the code in the file (maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters).
2) If B, C, or D above
A) Should the output file be put on Desktop? Otherwise, it will be put in the same location an the TattleTech program.
B) Should the user be prompted for the file name?
1) If not, what file name should be used?
C) The "SimpleText" creator (ttxt) is used by default for the file.
1) Do you want a different creator?
a) If so, what is it?
D) Should Unit Info be reported?
1) If so, should the user be prompted for the Unit information?
3) Should the progress dialog be displayed?
A) If so, should the user have the ability to cancel output by pressing "<cmd>." ?
4) Should the Splash Screen be displayed?
A) If so, what do you want the "Registered To:" name to display?
5) Should a dialog immediately after launch ask the user to confirm that they wish to run TT be displayed?
6) For reports which search various volumes:
A) Search Boot volume only?
1) If not, search local volumes only?
7) If Tattle.Traps is being used, should TattleTech look for it in the same folder as TattleTech?
8) If the Nubus/PDS report is being used, should it include all slots?
9) If the Open Files report is included, should open Font files be excluded?
10) If the Applications or DAs reports are selected, should the files be sorted? (Sorting is alphabetical by name)
11) If the Network report is included, should TT force Open Transport open to report TCP/IP data?
SECTION III: (Only complete this section of there are any reports which you would like to eliminate. Replace the "-" before any fields which you don't want reported with an "X".)
- ADB Devices
- ATA/IDE Devices
- CPUs
- Displays
- Floppy Drives
- Network
- Nubus/PDS Slots
- PC (PCMCIA) Cards
- PCI Cards
- PowerBook
- SCSI Devices
- Serial Ports
- General Software
- Applications
- Control Panels
- DAs
- Drivers
- Extensions
- Fonts
- Processes
- Traps (Includes all Traps reports)
- Boot Blocks
- INIT Files
- System Files (Other)
- Gestalts
- Parameter RAM
- Open Files
- Volumes
- Special Files
- Special Sys Rsrc's
- File/Folder Info…
SECTION IV: (Only complete this section of there are any fields which you would like to eliminate from reports. Replace the "-" before any fields which you don't want reported with an "X".)